Prea Gianca, hotel restaurant in Bonifacio is part of an eco-responsible approach

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+33 04 95 28 18 14


Exceptional territories, Bonifacio and Corsica are distinguished by their natural and authentic side. Qualities that we have a duty to preserve! Therefore, our hotel has implemented an eco-responsible approach, which we develop on a daily basis.


The objective: to improve energy efficiency and reduce the consumption of our establishment, through a management focusing on renewable energies.

To actively participate in the sustainable development of Bonifacio and Corsica, we base our approach on three main points.


  • Reinforcement of insulation with innovative and high-performance materials
  • Improvement of comfort, hygiene, and health through the use of thermodynamic systems (heat pump type)
  • Commitment to reduce the hotel's energy consumption, via a service agreement signed with EDF
  • Rainwater recovery
  • Systematic leak detection
  • Wastewater recycling
  • Bins for selective sorting and correct dosing of cleaning products
  • Limitation at source of the quantities of waste produced and recycling
  • Composting of waste
  • Landscape protection and respectful management of biodiversity
  • Maximum limitation of the use of cleaning products, which we select according to their environmental criteria
  • Instructions encouraging hotel guests to limit the use of towels, in order to avoid unnecessary washing
  • Soon, implementation of a solution for the loan of electric bikes, which facilitate access to Bonifacio and its surroundings, without the use of the car


Our action in favor of reforestation


In connection with Reforest'Action, our hotel plans to participate in the reforestation of forests, in France and around the world. Eventually: our customers will be able to choose to participate in the financing of the planting of a tree, in the place of their choice.ix.


In order to involve our customers as much as possible in this eco-responsible approach, we will regularly allow one of them, by drawing lots, to go and verify in the field the veracity and effectiveness of the reforestation action. So don't hesitate to register now!


Through our eco-responsible approach, we therefore invite our customers to limit their environmental impact, and to ensure that Corsica remains what it is for generations to come. Enough to mark each stay with a white stone!